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2 week old kitten refuses to eat


ok we my vet sci class recently got around 20 kittens unloaded on us.  and i was asked to take home the one not eating.  i ahve tried everythign i can think of.  warm milk, small sips, just placing a dab on its nose.  but everytime i get something donw it throws it up.  do u know of anything that i can do to help it eat better and not throw up?

Hey !

Sorry but my techniques only work if the cat could keep the food down, I have read before that if you don't feed him for 24 hours and then after that introduce small amounts if he wont touch it you might have to force feed him. Majority of the time when kittens refuse to eat it's due to an illness or disease that needs vet attention. Try purchasing KMR Milk supplement and hand feed him and see if that works if it doesn't make an appointment with the vet as soon as possible to save this kittens life, as a feeding tube may have to be inserted. I hope all goes well.