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Cat labor last stage


I know my cat is due very soon.. She went into heat in January... around mid January or so...  She is huge and for the last few weeks she eats a lot and sleeps a lot.  The babies have been moving for the past few weeks.  They feel like long mini sausages (LOL!) Sometimes her stomach will get real hard and then soft again... maybe she is doing that on purpose when I rub her tummy.  I know what contractions feel like from our old cat.  I can actually feel the kittens, sometimes when I rub her tummy, I can feel what is likely a kitten head or a little paw.  But I haven't seen her display any of the 'final stages' symptoms that you described.  I haven't seen her nesting but I did make her one several weeks ago and take her to it every once in awhile.  No milk or liquid from her nipples, but they are bald and puffy under the nipple.  I did help the thinning a bit, by trimming her hair since she is a long haired cat.  She bathes herself quite a bit lately... and while she still sleeps a lot, she moves around from place to place more often.  She's always been really affectionate, but she's starting to get agitated a bit more easily.  She's also for the past 3 weeks startled easily and meows whenever you touch her back when she is resting.  Any idea if she is days or weeks out?  I ask her everyday where's the babies, she just meows at me. #]


This last stage of having kittens is always very frustrating.  It looks as if they should have them immediately, and yet they seem to go on for days. The mama will have them when she is ready. Remember, with some mamas the different signs I mention may not occur until she is actually having birth.

If you are worried, you can take her to your vet for a pre-natal check up.  This may not be a bad idea anyway, since you and your vet can make arrangements in case of emergency outside of normal clinic hours. You can check on her every couple of hours to see if there is a change.  If mama appears to be in distress, a trip to the vet will be warranted!

You will just have to be patient and wait on mama.

Best regards... Norm.