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I need your help... please


Hi Jessica! After my cat had delivered the kittens, everything was fine until now. She had four kittens; one went wid his stray dad, and one died and i couldn't even know how. All it did was scream and scream and then took his last breath.
So now I have two kittens left. I call them Kit-Kat and Galaxy.
Lately, Kit-Kat has a dirty anus, and you told my sister (huda, tht it would be harmful fo them. Is this an infection? Please tell me because i can't afford to lose another one.
Thanks for all the help

Hi, Dina.  If feces are sticking to the kitten's anus, it's usually caused by soft stool.  This can be deadly in kittens.  It's very commonly caused by parasites, including roundworms, hookworms, coccidia, and giardia.  Medications will help take care of these.

There is also a possibility that he is having anal sac problems.  There are two sacs inside the rectum, which contain fluid produced by glands.  These normally empty out when the cat has a bowel movement.  But if the cat is overproducing anal fluid, or the sacs get blocked, he can suffer from pain and infection, so you should get the kittens to vet.  

It's also important to keep the anus clean if there is feces sticking to it.  If stool builds up, it can cause serious, painful burns on the anus that can become easily infected.  If you notice the anus is irritated, you can apply a thin layer of an antibiotic ointment, like Neosporin, to the area to help it heal and keep it clean.

If it's just little flecks of stool, this can be considered normal.  Maybe he's not cleaning himself well.  Kittens will sometimes neglect their hygiene, and they get better as they get older.