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My kitten is very sick!


My cat had three kittens two weeks ago. One of them is very sick. They are all boys, you can tell. His name is Chip and he is ill. His eyes are almost all the way open and he used to be able to move really good. He was the biggest two days ago, now he is the smallest. He sound congested and won't eat. I feed him with and eye dropper because he won't take a bottle. I let him eat off of his mother somtimes but to that, I have to take the other two kittens out. His nose keeps getting clogged and his eyes have crusty stuff that looks almost like blood. I am really worried. I don't have enough money to take him to the vets, what could I do?


If you can't afford to take your kitten to the vet, I'm afraid I can't give you any advice.  I'm not a vet and I can't diagnose a problem.  My best advice is to call your vet and see what information they may be able to give you over the phone.

I'm sorry I can't help more...