Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > HEAVY, EXAGERATED ABDOMINAL BREATHING



A few weeks ago i noticed that one of my cats has heavy, exaggerated breathing from the abdominal area.  hes also has lost weight, to the point his spine and ribs are easily felt. Strangely too, his fur seems to be a bit frazzled if that makes sense, yet his appetite is still good and theres no outward appearance of discomfort.  no wheezing or other symptoms either.  my web search suggests that he has congestive heart problems.  i hope hes not suffering and my current economic situation is not good, so i havent seen a vet.  please advise..


Remember, I am not a vet, but, you hit the nail on the head.  You really do need to see your vet about this cat, and see the vet as soon as possible.  I know things are tough, economically, but, unfortunately, this sounds serious enough that the kitty really needs to see a vet immediately!!!!!

Concerned regards... Norm.