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strange wieghtloss


i have a black and white manx cat that seems to have lost weight, i was petting her recently and i noticed that her bones seemed to stick out far more and her stomach was taught. my other three cats seem to be just fine. one cat is rather young and when we first got him we had to put the cats on kitten food. since then we changed to a general food approved for all ages. all the older cats lost some weight but leveled off. my manx however seems to have lost quite a bit more. what should i do?

in cases like this i always like to recommend that you have the cat checked in case their is a medical problem. Thyroid problems are quite common and weight loss is a classic sign. If your cat is eating the same amount and type of food as the other cats but losing weight, the food is not the problem.
I hope everything is fine and that your vet can recommend something for your cat.

Best wishes