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Male cat aggression


We have a year old neutered male cat and we received a male kitten three months ago, he is now 5 months old. The two have been great together, the older male licks and loves on the little one all the time, until recently. The older male still shows the little one affection, but is becoming more aggressive and hissing and smacking at the little one more and more and he even hisses at us. We're getting the little one neutered this week. Will this help the situation?
We don't want to have to get rid of either of them.
thanks, Pam

I really do think it is because your kitten is not neutered yet He will be giving off all sorts of hormonal scents which will make your older cat feel threatened.

It may take a few more weeks after he is neutered for things to calm down but i'm sure they eventually will.

best wishes Kate