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kittens hair changing color


This past fall, I adopted two abandoned kittens. (Yes, I have had them neutered.) They are now about 6 mos. old.  The black & white "tuxedo" patterned kitten's black hair is now turning grey (on its topside, so far).  Although I've had many cats over the years, including an almost identical black & white one, I've never had a coat change color.  I just want to know if this can be normal and not some sort of deficiency.

Mary Ann,

Is this a long haired or short haired kitten?  Is the hair at the roots white, especially on the front legs and behind the ears?

Without knowing the above, I would guess that what you are seeing is kitten coat beginning to be shed out. This we see, especially in long hairs.  As for the white at the roots, there is a hair pattern called smoke where the hair is the normal color for most of the hair shaft and silvery white at the roots.  When these get more white as kittens you often get that smoky grey color, especially when they are changing coat.

If it is neither of these, it could be fever coat (the kitten had some kind of illness at some point and the hair got ticked with white).  This would disappear on the next coat change.

I would not be overly concerned as many kittens do go through coat changes on their way to becoming adults.

Best regards... Norm.