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hi! my cat donut breathes really heavy and she never did that before until she got fixed about a year ago. also, last night i noticed her left eye was all wet and her nose was cold.. today it's back to normal. is that ok ? also, will grooming cats keep them from shedding? if not, what else can i do? thank you!!!!!


Your cat breathing heavy has no direct relation to her being spayed.  My guess is that she's got some sort of URI (upper respiratory illness), and just like people, she's getting congested, and may have to breathe heavier to get good air movement.  Make sure she's up to date on her shots, and if you can keep her indoors (if she goes outdoors at all), I would do that.  Being outside just exposes her continually to potentiall illnesses, including the ones that cause URI's.  

Her eye being wet and nose being cold could also be related to a URI.  She could have just sneezed, and had teary eyes, or she could have gotten something in her eye, like people do.  If she got something in her eye, you know how we rub our eyes and they tear horribly until we get it out.  It's no different for her.  So, that is certainly a possibility.  She may also have a mild eye infection, in which case you want to keep an eye open for any purulent drainage, or any scratching of the eye.  But based on what you've described, I wouldn't be concerned at this time unless you see signs of infection like I stated.  

Her nose being cold one day is also normal.  Sometimes a cat's nose may feel warm, sometimes it may feel cold.  It really doesn't matter, because the temperature of the nose can and will fluctuate with the temperature outside, the temperature in your house, and whether the cat is hot, warm, or cold, and whether it's sick.  

Yes, grooming your cat will absolutely help with shedding.  It won't stop or prevent shedding, but it will get rid of excess hair which would be shed anyway.  A cat should be brushed regularly, at least once/wk.  Doing that will help keep the shedding down, but will also help create a bond with you and your cat.  It should be a time that you have devoted just to her, and it should be loving, and just good, quality time spent with her.  The more you brush, the less she will shed, the more she'll bond with you, and the more she will look forward to it.  
