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I am very worried


My husband and I just got a baby kitty from a near by humane society. I walked in to a room to find that she had defecated on the inside of a suitcase. I assumed that it may be because she could smell another cat that my husband had. However, my husband noticed blood in her stool. I put her in the bathroom with her litter box. When we checked on her (about 5 min after putting her in there) she was still defecating, seemingly uncontrollably. My husband is taking her to the veterinarian tomorrow. But I am very curious about the possible causes of this behavior. Please e-mail me as soon as possible.


It is possible that she is nervous, having separation anxiety, and/or reacting to the stress of having a new home, but more than likely she has worms or intestinal parasites. That is common with shelter kitties.

That is good that she is going to the vet. I hope everything turns out OK.
