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cats breath


Hi i have a 15 yr old calico cat she is always throwing up and now her breath smells like poop!!..any thoughts? i dont think she is eating her waste..she is a very nervous cat...thanks ...kevin

Hi Kevin,
Perhaps the reason her breath is so bad is because of her teeth.  At 15 years old, she probably  doesn't get into the vet much for teeth cleaning.  This is true with dogs as well.  It may be that she has alot of tartar build up, especially on her back teeth, or an abcess of somesort.  You may also check her bottom front teeth to see if there is an accumulation of fur.  If there is, then you can simply remove it with tweezers or hemostats.  This build up of fur can cling to bits of food (or throw up!) producing a very offensive odor.
Foul breath can also be associated with digestive disorders of some sort.  So, if you check  all her teeth, and they seem fine, and she has no accumulation of fur in her mouth, then it may be time for a vet visit.
Hope this has been helpful, and thank you for your time and interest in this site.