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new cat


I have two non aggresive cats one male one female. I got both at different times took some time to get them used to eachother but not long. I just moved into my boyfriends whom has a very aggressive male cat. Its been a couple weeks, they haven't fought but the aggressive one won't leave my male alone. He follows him everywhere. And is very indimidating hissing growling some swating. I was wondering if there is anything I could do to make it easier for my cat. Or to calm down the other


Is everyone neutered or spayed?  If not, this would be the first order of business.  If they are all neutered or spayed, then you just leave everyone alone and let them work it out.  We humans do not understand how cats establish their inter-relationships, but what we do know is that any interference on our parts elongates the whole process.

So, to reiterate, just leave them alone, ignore any "discussions" they may have and, as long as no one draws any blood, ignore the "fights" if there are any. However they decide to relate to one another, be assured that all parties have accepted it.  Normally, established cats in a territory are dominant and may choose to show it periodically.

Best regards... Norm.