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6 months old male kitten


There are 4 kitten (3 female and a male one) and their mom in our neighborhood,which I've been taking care of for the last 6 month(feeding them) and they are usually in our yard.
The girls and their mom have left home last night and havent come back yet,but the boy has been here all the day and keeps meowing.
he usually eats more than the other kittens, but today he didnt eat much. He comes to me,wants to be petted and he seems so uncalm! and I've noticed he constantly open his paws.

I thought maybe he's afraid and feels lonely(because others havent come back yet or sth)
what's wrong with him :(
Thank u.

Hi Sarah,

Cats often do become lonely and distressed when they are separated from other cats they have bonded with. Loss of appetite, restlessness, excessive need for attention, and later, excessive sleepiness and inattention to hygiene are some signs that a cat is feeling depressed. I think you're probably right that this kitty is upset that his family is missing. Hopefully, they'll return shortly, and his behavior will return to normal. In the meantime, I would encourage you to play with him as often as possible and keep his routine as close to normal as you can. Cats appreciate as much regularity in their lives as we can provide.

Good luck!
