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is my cat preg......


QUESTION: hello expert!
i have a question my cat is always sleeping and just a little touch on her  she's meowing so loud and she looks like so tired all the time do you think my cat is pregnant?


ANSWER: hi Ramona, Has she been in heat and in contact with male cats? how old is she? Can you let me know a little more and then I will be able to answer your question. Thanks, Teresa

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i dont know if she had contact on male cats i think, cause she went out last monday and cameback last tuesday night she is 7 months old


Hi Ramona well if she was only out last week then it would be impossible to tel if she is pregnant this early, but perhaps she got into a fight when she was out and now has an abscess?! This would cause her to be tired and meowing loudly because it is a very sore infection caused by a cat bite wound. You should probably take her to the vet for a check up and to get spayed so that she DOESN'T get pregnant ! Teresa