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short legged cat


We have two kittens from the same litter, one is a normal black short-haired domestic but the other is very different.   She looks as though she has very short legs, is unable to jump, just clambers, and has very wirey coat- not soft like her sister. She is black and white. Please can anyone tell me anything about her.  She isn't in any pain but the vet can't tell me anything.


There is a mutation in cats that causes the same kind of leg deformities we see in Dachshunds and Basset Hounds.  These cats are called Munchkins and they are usually never in any pain.  They just cannot do all the cat things normal longer legged cats can do.

The wiry coat is yet another mutation, which is the source of the American Wire Haired breed.

I hope this helps.

Best regards... Norm.