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Male cat peeing outside of box


We have 3 male cats in a small apartment, 2 of the 3 are neutered. The one that isn't just recently hit "puberty" and has begun peeing on our furniture. I know he is not spraying because he leaves pools. I was wondering if you think fixing him will stop this or it is something caused by lack of space, competition etc... I do not feel this is a urninary track infection because I see no blood and he doen't seem to be having problems going. Do you have any suggestions?

Competition over territory is proven to be a cause of litter box issues.  These problems are most common when there are 5 or more cats in the home.  You can try to minimize issues by providing each cat with their own litter box, food and water bowls and beds.  Ideally, a home with three cats should have 4 litter boxes.  You can try different styles of boxes and litters to see if there is one they prefer.

And get him neutered right away, the sooner the better.  Waiting can only worsen the situation now.  You should see improvement within a couple weeks, as hormone levels even out.  If urinating outside the box continues, he may need a hormone injection or an antianxiety medication to help correct the behavior.

I would mention to the vet that you feel this is inappropriate urination, not vertical spraying.  Though both can be used for marking, inappropriate urination is seen more often with urinary tract pain than spraying is, so it's still something you want to rule out.

In the meantime, I would try to keep him confined to a certain area so he doesn't damage the entire house.  Breeders will usually keep toms limited to one room or even to a cage because of spraying.

Also, be sure to clean soiled areas with an enzymatic cleaner to remove the urine stains.  Enzymes are the best way to break down fat molecules in cat urine.  Without breaking down the fat, the stain is still going to stick to fabrics and other surfaces.  Nature's Miracle is  a good one that's available at pet stores.