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i found something on called a kittywalk.
its some sort of enclosure so that your indoor cat can safely be outside. my cat begs to go out even tho she's 100% indoor cat because we got a dog a year ago and now she sees the dog go outside so she wants to!  she has claws
but i don't let her out for fear of her getting hurt
do you think this kitty walk is the answer?

Hi Savannah,

I looked at that kittywalk. The general idea is good but I would be afraid that she could get out of that. There are a lot of good sites on the web that tell you how to build your own outside cat house. The netting on the kittywalk doesn't look like the problem but rather the openings. And it looks like the cat doesn't have that much room in it. I would get some chicken wire and wood from home depot and build my own. Good luck and let me know what you are going to do. If you get the kittywalk let me know how it is. I'm very interested in it.

Ciao, Karen