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My siamese cat has had a bump...

20 16:41:30

My siamese cat has had a bump on her head for awhile now. It looks a lot like a scab, so we just ignored it, but it doesen't seem to be going away. What do you think it is and what should I do until I take her to the vet?

Unfortunately, I couldn't give you a very good idea of what it is.  So many things can cause scabs and bumps.  Allergies to foods or something in the environment, ringworm, bacterial infections, auto immune diseases, fleas, mites, and even skin cancer can all cause such scabs.  Do schedule a vet appointment for her ASAP.  Until then, if it is a closed scab, you can put some antibiotic ointment on it, like Neosporin, to keep it clean and encourage healing.  If it's open in any area, clean it with antibacterial soap or an antiseptic flush called Chlorhexiderm (available at pet stores), and then apply an antibiotic ointment.