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Cat Show rest rooms


Hello Norman, at your cat shows, how do cats let you know that they have to 'go potty?'  Do you have a special area that they use?  Do they just know from the smell that 'this is the place?'  Have you ever had a cat disgrace itself in frweont of judges a show?  Remembering the video of the Bengal cat defecating in a toilet, there would be quite a pile if a cat has been waiting too long and lets go. They seem to get quite a buildup.  Thanks for answering my rather esoteric questions. Be well.  --  Ken


We keep a litter pan in the benching cage. That way, they just do their thing when they need to potty. All cat clubs in the USA, as far as I know, are required to supply kitty litter, but the exhibitor must bring their own litter pans. We always bring our own litter as well. There are usually vendors at the show who will sell you a variety of small sized litter pans for use in cat carriers, benching cages, in motel room tents and the like.

One incident that occurred in one of the biggest shows in the country a number of years ago was when one of our Maine Coons decided to deposit his feces in a judging cage during a top ten final.  Fortunately, it was very solid and had no residue on his hind end. It was very embarrassing, to say the least.  I quietly went up, removed the poop, and disinfected the floor of the judging cage where he had pooped <sigh>. In retrospect it was pretty funny and all had a good laugh!

I would happily entertain follow up questions.

Best regards... Norm.