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our cats first litter


Our 3yr old female gave birth for the 1st time yesterday to two kittens.  It took a few hours after the second birth before mama passed the afterbirth, and today there was a small area of blood left where she was sitting briefly.  Do you know if this is normal?  Her nose is cool and moist to the touch, and she & kittens seem to be doing well otherwise. Thank you for your answer.

Hello Brenda,

As long as the area of blood left by your mother cat was relatively small, this is a normal occurrence. Following birth, the mother has to recover a bit, and getting rid of the excess blood and anything left in the womb may appear a little odd, but small amounts of blood following birth (probably 1-2 days) is normal. If bleeding continues past a few days, or you notice that the blood is present in a larger amount, you should take her immediately to a veterinarian. If you notice any other peculiar symptoms that seem like illness or odd behavior, that would also be worth a visit to the vet.

However, from everything you described, it seems as if you witnessed a healthy birth. I apologize for the late reply, I've been busy working and I wanted to do a little research on the question so I didn't tell you anything wrong. Have fun with the kittens, and good luck!