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My cat may have a broken bone...


My mother thinks she ran over my cat, Star, when she was returning home from a long day of grocery shopping. Star seems to be walking fine, and her tail is normal. However, when we looked her over, she had a tiny tiny TINY amount of blood inside of her leg. She's licking it and, again, she seems to be walking fine. But my mother says that she heard Star squeal (in meow form) when she drove by her. It is common for Star to get close to our car when we come close to our home when driving down our driveway, but she always moves out of our way. I'm confused and I don't know what to do or what's wrong. I can't even see where the blood is coming from! It looks like someone lightly ran over the top layer of her fur with red paint. Please, tell me what could've happened and what I can do!!!

Hi Alyssa,

I think you know what I'm going to say. She needs to be seen by a vet. If she broke a bone the vet would have to set it. This is not something that can be done by yourself. She may have been grazed by the car. And she may be in shock. I am concerned about the blood. You need to take her to your vet. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen