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is my cat on heat or pregnant?


hi sorry this is long winded!
i got a girl kitten about 9 weeks ago at about 5 months old, she had quite a large tummy then but has got noticeably bigger, especially in the last couple of days, she started acting odd and lifting her back end in the air this morning, and is very restless, her nipples are very pink, and are a lot more visible than usual and now she will lay on her side alot and squirm.
she also has clear discharge from her back end, is being very affectionate but isn't being vocal at all!
I'm very confused, and desperate for an answer! help!


It sure sounds as if she is pregnant to me.  If so, she is going to give birth any day now!!!!!

I would get her to your vet for a pre-natal exam.  % months is way too young to be having kittens!!!!!

Good luck and best regards... Norm.