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Indoor cat got outside-Now fearful


My indoor cat got out 4 days ago.  She is in the garage.  I can't get her to come to me.  I have seen her a couple of times and called her name but she runs away.  I have called her name softly and shaken treats but she just won't come.  I took some food out today and she came out to eat it but ran away when I tried to go up to her.  Any idea why is she acting like this?  She is about 2 years old.  There are lots of feral cats but they aren't being mean to her.  Any ideas on how to get her to come to me?

Hi Debbie,

I'm sorry to hear about this.  This particular situation is always unfortunate, although it is quite lucky that you got her back, as most do not.  Nonetheless, there is a lot that she probably experienced in the time she was out, and now she is quite flighty.  There is no quick fix.  You will need to spend some time with her, coaxing her with food, water, all the normal things you provide.  She needs to reacclimate to you.  Her ordeal clearly has stressed her to a point that she has lost trust and confidence.

I would start by leaving the door from the garage into your home open and trying to get her into a bathroom--read, I specify bathroom because it needs to be a noncarpeted room just in case she may have picked up some fleas while she was out.  She needs a safe, familiar place to reacclimate--the smaller the room, the better.  Give her a cardboard box or something similar with a cat bed or towel so that she can feel safe.  Feed her 1/4 cup of food twice a day at regular times, change her water and litter box, give her some toys, perhaps catnip, etc.  The more time you spend with her in a room, the more she will reacclimate and begin to gain back her sense of security.  If you are patient and calm, she should come around.  Once you feel comfortable she has adjusted and you can pet and approach her without her retreating, I would go ahead and take her to your vet for a checkup, just to make sure there aren't any underlying injuries and that she didn't get any fleas or parasites while outside.

I hope this helps, and wish you the best.

Best regards,
Holly Martin