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milk substitute for kittens


Dear Jessica, I have just taking in a pregnant abandoned cat which has hardly left kittenhood. I have had cats and dogs before so know how to look after pets - my last cat lived to over 24 years and my dog for nearly 20 years. My worry is that in the event of the mother either unable to feed the kittens or maybe she passes away prematurely is there any substitute milk formula to feed some or all of the kittens? What percentage fats:protein:sugars should the milk best contain to give the kittens optimum chance of survival. Judging by the size of mum to be's abdomen and its visible movement, she looks like dilivery is any moment soon. I look forward to your rely, Many thanks, Richard.  

Hi Richard.  Sounds like your pets have been loved and well taken care of!

Brands vary by country, but vets and pet stores do generally carry a milk replacement formula specifically for kittens.  This is very different from the "cat milk" some companies are selling as treats for adult cats.  But anything that is sold as a REPLACEMENT for breast milk is balanced to feed newborns.  Some even contain colostrum.  Following the feeding instructions on the package is okay for the most part.  However, I really must advise that newborns 2 weeks and under be fed every TWO hours, not every 3-4 as suggested on most formulas.  Smaller, more frequent meals cause fewer stomach problems, stronger appetite, and I find increased survival rates.