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Pregnant female


I asked you about my pregnant female on the 26th of January. I had some follow-up questions to ask, mostly because I think that she is in labor. She has spent the last few days skulking around the house, she's been walking odd and has stayed in the box we set up for her almost every night. Starting yesturday she had something coming from her vagina, and today she has not left her box at all. I re-read through what you told me before and it is very helpful. Right now I just want to know if I should stay with her to make sure nothing goes wrong, and any other information about birthing you may have. Thank you again!


I would stay by here.

It takes about 1 hour of hard labor for the first kitten to appear (about 50% of all kittens are born breech, so do not worry if the kitten comes out backwards).  If she is in hard labor for 2 hours and there is no kitten, you need to contact your vet.

Really, there is not much I can tell you in print.  You just have to watch her and if she is in trouble or you think she is in trouble, then contact your vet.

One of the things I suggested is to make sure your vet knows he/she may hear from you because your cat is going to have kittens.  Frankly, if things do not go well, your vet will be the only person who can help.

Good luck and, hopefully, all will go well.  Mostly, at this point it is up to mama.

Best regards... Norm.