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My Siamese Cat


My cat, the vet has told my mother and I has a brain tumor. Which when certain noises are heard, triggers a seizure in her. These seizures don't seem to harm her, but I have noticed as of late, that she is suddenly whiny. She will walk around the house just crying, sometimes its something that is a serious issue for her (such as, she can't get to her water or the cat box needs changing) but other times she is just making noise. I am wondering if this is somehow related to the potential brain tumor and seziures or just something to do with old age, she is almost 18 years old. Another factor, she used to have our orange tabby for company and he died over the summer. But I if I recall correctly, she was acting like this BEFORE he died even.


As to whether the vocalization is related to the brain tumor is anyone's guess!!!!!  However, as a breed Siamese and virtually all breeds derived from Siamese tend to be more vocal then most other breeds of cats with a wider variety of vocalizations than most breeds have!

Other than the above, I have no other idea as to why she may be vocalizing more frequently than usual unless she is going deaf!?!?!?!

Best regards... Norm.