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black specks answer


I read your answer to a previous writer regarding black specks under the chin and both of my boys have the same thing.  My boys (cats) are about 8 months old, and one of them has not eaten, drank water, or used the litter box for about 5 days now.  I took him to the vet and they said he appeared perfectly normal and all his vitals were good.  They gave him subcutaneous fluids under the skin and sent me home with an antibiotic.  It has been about 32 hours and he still is not eating, drinking or litterboxing.  Do you think the flea poo gave him worms?  What should I do, I love him so much.

Hi Sheryl,

Cats sometimes get very sick from flea bites. If he is not drinking for that long a period of time then he is one sick kitty. Take him back to the vet and get him rechecked. Get Frontline for cats or Advantage for cats and use it on them both. I am giving you a recipe for something called kitty glop. Feed this to your sick guy. It works wonders with sick cats. If he eats this then just keep an eye on him. If he doesn't then get your sick guy back to the vet. He will die if he doesn't get fluids. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen


1 can evaporated milk (sweetened condensed)
2 tbsp. plain yogurt (not low or non fat)
2 tbsp. mayonnaise (real not light or No-Fat)
1 tbs. Karo Syrup (light)
1 pkg. Knox gelatin
1 egg yolk (beaten, )
1 cup Pedialyte (unflavored)
1 jar Stage One Baby food (chicken or turkey)

Mix milk, yogurt, mayonnaise, baby food, and syrup together well. Bring 1 cup pedialyte to boil and mix in Knox gelatin. Set aside. Mix egg yolk with small amount of milk mixture and beat well.

Add gelatin and pedialyte to milk mixture and beat well. Add in egg yolk mixture and beat well. Remember to not use egg substitute and keep egg white to a minimum.

Pour into bowl (with cover) and set in refrigerator. Glop will last for two weeks covered in refrigerator. Try freezing the mixture in ice cube trays and store the cubes in the freezer, thaw as many as needed.
Always warm glop to room temperature ,(milk form), or a little warmer, before feeding.

Hi, I forgot something else. It could be something just as simple as cat acne. If it is that then the antibiotics will clear that up. You can also possible just treat him by cleansing his chin with a benzoyl peroxide shampoo a couple of times a week. But definitely get him back to the vet to be checked about his fluids.

Ciao, Karen