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I made a booboo when trying to demat my cat?


I cut my cat's skin while trying to groom him. the wound is about  the size of a dime. What should I do to  take care of it?

he's a long haired cat if you need to know that/


Hi Jenn.  I've done the same thing.  I feels awful, doesn't it?

Honestly, treatment of a wound this big needs to be overseen by a vet.  Because it's so wide, it is going to have a very hard time healing, even if it's not deep.  There's just no tissue there to start healing.  There is an antibiotic serum that a vet can prescribe called Granulex, which helps to form granular tissue, the beginning of a scar.  This is often needed in wounds that are this wide.  Otherwise, you will probably run into a wound that just keeps opening up over and over because, while a scab forms, no healing scar tissue does.  Granulex is available online in some places, as well.

It's equally important to flush the wound with an antiseptic 2-3 times daily before applying the Granulex.  Don't use peroxide on cats - it causes the temperature in the wound to rise, resulting in swelling and inflammation, and it actually prevents healing.  Instead, I recommend using Chlorhexiderm, available at pet stores.