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change in eating pattern


resently I have moved with my cat and the new place has a new kitten and in the last couple of days my cat no longer wants to eat her food, she will sniff it then walk a way. But if she is offered one of her treats she'll eat it. In the last Two days she has vomited bile in the mornings. Do you think she no longer likes her food or a medical or stress related problem?

Hello Julie,
I am not a vet, so I can not offer medical advice, but what I can offer is opinion based on experience.  It may be very likely that your cat is feeling stressed, with the new location and then with the activities of a new kitten.  Is it possible that she is getting into the kitten's food and eating?  Kitten food is higher in protien, and could possibly cause an upset stomach. You might give a change in food flavor a go.  Try and get sample size, so if she doesn't like it, you won't be stuck with an 8 lb bag of food! If she is otherwise acting normally, and doesn't seem lethargic, then I would give this another couple days.  If she looks like she may be feeling badly, then a quick trip to the vet would be in order.
Hope this will be helpful.
Good luck, and thank you for your interest in this site.