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Swollen Underside


My cat gave birth to her litter without any problems and all were given to a pet shop at 8 weeks old.
However now that all the kittens are gone her nipple area has swollen massivly. It's been 6 days and it seems like the swelling is going down very slowly.
Is this normal after the kittens have been taken from the mother?

Hi Kris.  Yes, this is frequently seen when kittens are removed from their mother so young.  If allowed, kittens will wean slowly and taper off nursing between the ages of 8 and 12 weeks.  This helps prevent the mammaries from becoming engorged.  When kittens are just 8 weeks, they are usually still nursing enough to stimulate heavy milk production, so if nursing is stopped abruptly, you will see the mammary area swell.

I recommend to hold a cloth soaked with warm water to her under belly for 10-15 minutes a couple times a day to help relieve some of the serious pain she's probably feeling, if she's not too sensitive to let you touch it.

Keep a close eye on her.  If any of the area becomes intensely red or purple, if you see veinlike patterns leading away from the nipples, if the mammary area becomes hot to the touch, or if you see any discolored discharge or crust from the teats, she should been seen by a vet.  This is an indication of an excruciating infection called mastitis, which should be cleared up with antibiotics.