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Queen biting kittens


My queen has recently had a litter of 4 kittens, 3 live births 1 still birth.
The kittens are now 6 days old and i have been noticing the queen biting or mouthing one of the kittens - is this normal.
In all other aspects of maternal care she seems to be very attentive.
Im am worried as i know cats can have cannibal tendencies - is there anything i should look out for in her behaviour.
Many thanks
Emma Dickson

Hi Emma, If she is focusing this behaviour on one particular kitten then I would imagine there is something wrong with this baby. Is it the same size as it's littermates? Is it eating normally? Is it nice and warm when you pick it up? Sometimes warming it up is all that is required.. and sometimes it is just a fading kitten and there is nothing you can do. But this kitten is bothering her! she knows something isn't right. Try putting a heating pad under her box and set it  on Low. It will warm it up in there and maybe be what this kitten needs. Then I would start weighing  him twice a day. Use a small postal scale or diet scale. He should be gaining weight EVERY time you weigh him. It would also be great if you could supplement him with a bottle at least once a day if you think you are up to it... If a cat is cannibalistic you often don't have much warning that it is going to happen. Just one time you will look at there is a half eaten kitten. It is quite horrible and one of the things that you run into when you are a breeder.. yuck.. Teresa