Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > George



Now, I know I might have told you before that I wanted to keep a stray cat that I called George, but that I have another cat called Jess, I might have told someone else, though. We decided that we should take him to an animal shelter. *Sniff* I will really miss him, but we tried to let someone who wanted to take him stroke him. He will hiss and spit and put up a great fight. He won't let ANYONE apart from me near him. He is a wild cat now. He sleeps in our garden, he is a wonderful talkative cat if he lets you to him. I don't think he will get used to being with other people.
  I play and talk and keep George calm differently then most people. I act like a cat around most cats, apart from when I'm petting and feeding them, so they don't think I am a massive threat that would like to kill them. I just CAN NOT pour water over him. I would never forgive my self then.
They way I speak to him is calmly and the way to make him calm, I put both my hands up in the air and whisper little things. I slowly walk backwards so he can see my fae, then he slowly follows. Then, When I bemd down to pet him, he is calm, but still talkative.
I ussually pet his chin or head. And I pet a little differently then most people. You see, I have studied ats since I was three. I love them.
But, do you think that George will be able to settle in with someone else if he only comes to me and I at differently then other people? Please reply soon!

in my honest opinion No i don't. he sounds like a feral cat to me and it quite rare for a feral cat to ever be a full pet to someone. My sister had a feral cat only she could ever touch him, her husband couldn't, her kids couldn't no one but her. this is probably as she found him when he was only weeks old and so he was used to her from very early on.

Now some feral if they met people early on will expect new people into their lives but it sounds like George perhaps wasn't one of those. he may have got used to you but even then he hasn't fully let his guard down with you so i suspect he won't with other people either.

the best bet for George is that someone is prepared to have him a as outside pet that they feed and take care of when he needs medical care etc but that he will generally be allowed to be left alone most of the time.

I hope this has answered your question.

best wishes