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my cats toilet problems


My female cat is nearly 15 and has weed on my bed and my daughters recently.She is not stressed as far as i know by anything inside the house and has been checked out by the vet.Her kidneys are fine and she does not have a urine infection.She is now not allowed in the bed rooms anymore and sleeps in the kitchen in a cat bed but has started wetting that at night. She has weed in the bath over the pluga few times.She still goes out side to wee as well. Today she pooed on the bathroom floor. Although she is old she is heathly and agile and can easily get out to go to the toilet. This has all been happening over the last month.Could something be stressing her out side?. I keep putting off using a litter tray but i think that is the next step. Any advice please?

Hi Laura,

Something could certainly be stressing her outside.  There may be a new cat in the neighborhood, or a neighborhood cat may have developed a territorial attitude.  Additionally, wildlife can become threatening (even such things as birds can be pesky enough to worry cats when they're persistent).  The colder weather might also be discouraging her from going outside as often as usual.  

I would certainly encourage you to provide her with a litter tray.  If she won't use that, then you might be looking at some anxiety issues that have arisen as a result of brain chemistry and not a change in the home, or perhaps some behavioral changes because of cognitive decline.  Typically, though, when cats start going senile, you'll see other signs, like depression, disorientation, loss of appetite, disruption of the sleep/wake cycle, mood swings and failure to recognize familiar people and places.  

Fortunately, there is treatment for both anxiety and cognitive dysfunction.  You should talk to your vet about their opinion as to whether she may be suffering from either of those problems, and about the appropriate treatment.  This may include a few months of an anti-depressant or medications that were once used to treat human Alzheimer's.

Best of luck!
