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stray mother, maybe kittens?


A week ago, I caught a stray cat who's been in our neighborhood. I took her to the Humane Society, but it turned out she'd recently had kittens, and the HS worker advised me to bring her back home and let her go so she could take care of her kittens.  Since I have been feeding her, she comes to my house nightly.  The HS worker thought there was a good chance the cat would bring her kittens around.  It's been almost a week and no kittens yet, though the cat has been coming every night for food.  She doesn't seem to be in a hurry to get anywere after she eats, and I've no idea where her kittens might be.  First, do you have any advice for how to figure out if her kittens are still nursing?  Second, if she does start bringing the kittens for food (I hope so!) How should I go about catching them?  I caught the mother in a havahart trap, and she will let me sit near her when she's eating, but she won't let me get too close.  I expect I'll have to catch her in the trap again.  Thanks very much for any advice you can offer.

Hi Angela,

The easiest way is to pick her up and look at her teats. If they are still enlarged then I would say that she is nursing her kittens. She will definitely bring her kittens to you if you keep on feeding her. Just make sure you are out there when she eats. Pet her and be friendly with her. She sounds like she is already attaching herself to you.

When the kittens come they will be a little skitterish at first. Just talk to them quietly and calmly. Don't make any sudden noises or movements. They will get used to you and you will be able to handle them. If you catch the mom in the trap keep her there. The kittens will come to her and you can pick them up and put them in with mom. Make sure you know how many she has. When they come to eat just count them up. You then can take them to the humane society. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen