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Neutered male cat underbelly


We have a 10-month old male cat that was neutered almost 5 months ago.  We noticed in the past few months he has developed a droopy "pouch-like" sag in his underbelly toward the back.  When he is sitting and facing you it creates what looks like a fatty curtain towards the bottom that almost touches the floor.  When he is walking, that droopy sag doesn't come close to the floor but it's noticable.  I grew up with cats but don't ever remember seeing this but none of them were neutered.  Would you know anything about this?  I guess I need to know if this sounds serious and I should see a Vet immediately or if this is pretty normal.  He is not fat by the way - he weighs about 13 lbs and is very active.  During this time his appetite and activity level have remained very normal.  Any insight you can provide would be helpful.  Thanks.


The pouch that you describe is fairly common. If you feel this pocket of fat it should be just fat and fairly soft. If you find that there is a hard mass or lump then my recommendation would be an immediate trip to the vet. Neutered pets often get that pouch of pudge towards their lower abdomen. I have a cat who generally weighs around 7 pounds and she has a little pudge pouch. In my experience this isn't anything to be worried about. Hopefully this information helps to ease your mind. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.