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About cats and biting.


My momma is keeing my two cats ( male & female)they are litter mates same age ( 3 yaers) both are fixed. But, I am really worried about my MALE cat, Mouse is a lover boy. He is friendly and likes to play. But, I been told by two different family members that he has biten them. My brother was the first to tell me. I just thought Mouse was playing. Because, when he gets too into his playing, he will nip you. But, when my momma told me that he BIT her, I was shocked! She was telling him to stay out of the kitchen and she told me that he BIT her!! He had his shots. But, I am just worried about the biting. That is not lke my boy. I had to leave them in her care for a year to leave the country. But, I am also wondering is he just acting out or is he just tired of being with her? I will get them back sometime in the NOV. time frame. I just hope he keeps his mouth to himself until then!

Hello Danielle,
I am sorry for the delay, I just found this question in my inbox!  I hope it wasn't too long ago!
It may very well be that Mouse is acting out considering the circumstances.  He may be feeling territorial in his surroundings.   Some cats will get carried away with the play, and nip and scratch, sometimes harder than is comfortable!  It will really be hard to tell until you get him back with you, if it is because he missed you, or if it is part of his character now.  There are a couple cat behaviourist specialists on this site.  You might want to also confir with them to see what may be causing Mouse to exhibit this type of behaviour.
Best of luck, and hope this has been helpful.  Thank you for your inquiry and your intrest in this site.  Again, sorry for the delay, not sure what happened there!