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Cat about to have her kittens?


I have a very pregnant cat at home and am looking for a 2nd/3rd opinion on whether or not she is about to go into labour.  I don't know how far along she is, but is very fat, has had a healthy appetite but it's dropped off in the past week or so.  Nipples are big, the kittens are moving around, and she is sleeping the majority of the day.  A few days ago I noticed what looked like spots of blood on my bed, but didn't think much of it.  Today I noticed more and immediately realized they are coming from her.  I called my vet and they referred me to an emergency vet clinic.  I described to them what's going on, but they weren't much help except to say that we should take her to the vet because of this bloody discharge.  The amount is minimal and I thought this was considered normal.  The truth of the matter is, I can't afford to take her to the vet unless I am certain that she is in danger.  She isn't showing any signs of distress, but rather seems to be nesting, hiding under the bedsheets, licking herself down there, etc.  I don't know that they will be much help to me now, as they weren't when I took her in a month ago to find out if she was pregnant.  Anyway should I be worried about this bloody discharge or just keep an eye on her?


The problem you have with the veterinary community is that they often do not really know much about feline reproduction <sigh>! Most vets are trained to stop feline reproduction (neuter/spay), not to encourage it. The bloody discharge is perfectly normal (see below).

So, here are some guidelines which should help you understand better what to expect:

Cat gestation is normally 65-67 days with 63 days being a normal minimum and 69 days being a normal maximum.  Anything over 69 days would mean a visit to the vet!  You should be able to see and feel the kittens moving in the last week and a half to 2 weeks of pregnancy.

Now things get a bit problematic.  Every queen seems to want to do it a little differently, so the best I can do is give you the guidelines.

Anywhere from a week before birth up until the onset of birth or anywhere in between, she will get her milk in.  In this time frame she may also have a mucous/bloody discharge. (Although these events may start at different times during this time frame).

Anywhere from a few days before birth up until the onset of birth or anywhere in between, she may exhibit nesting behavior and restlessness.  Also, in this time frame her kittens will form hard knots and begin to move backward and downward in her abdomen.  This is really the very early stages of labor. (Although these events may start at different times during this time frame).

Anywhere from a few hours before birth up until the onset of birth or anywhere in between, her water may break and she will have what are called positioning contractions where she begins to get the kittens in line for birth.

You will know hard labor when you see it.  Once she starts her birthing contractions, it is usually about an hour before the first kitten is all the way out.  About 50% of the kittens are breech, so although it is a bit tougher, it is normal for the first kitten to be breech.

A couple of things you want to have handy are a roll of paper towels, a bottle of isopropyl alcohol, scissors (in case you have to cut the cords), and a soft face cloth to clean the kitten's face if mama does not do it immediately.

I like to use a "jumbo" cardboard storage chest (10" X 16" X 26") as a birthing box.  Put some old sheeting or toweling in side.  Put it somewhere you can easily get to, in a warm spot away from drafts, and away from young children and other pets.  You can half cover it with a towel, so it seems more den like.

Make sure your vet knows what is going on, so, in case she has trouble, you have arrangements about what you must do.

Please let me know if you have any more questions.

Best regards... Norm.