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moving settled cats in with a very settled cat


i am moving in with my boyfriend and he has a 6 year old very agressive, moody female cat who is used to being a only child. I have a two year declawed male who is very passive and very cautious, and i have a curious sweet 6 mo. old kitten. we are scared that his older cat will try to hurt mine especially the male. do u have any tips on moving them in together? or do you think that we will have to get rid of one? oh and they are all fixed.


Thank you for having the foresight to contact me prior to introducing your respective cat families. It is easier to start out on the right foot than to try to repair damage caused by cats forced into a confined space together. One thing that you need to know is that cats hate change of any kind.
The best way to deal with this situation is to put your 2 cats behind closed doors for 2-3 weeks upon moving into your boyfriend's house. Make sure that the cats are showing interest in each other's scents (you can even switch the cats' beds and help the introductions along). Some cats will let you know they are ready to meet by playing together under the door. Most cats are more reserved and care should be taken when introducing them. You need to be prepared for some grumbling before you let your cats out. I know that this is going to be the hardest thing for you to do, but it is the best. Also make sure that in the initial phase of introduction your boyfriend's resident cat is first to recieve attention, food and affection unless your boyfriend is moving in with you, then you simply reverse the process (his cat behind closed doors, etc). Once everyone is comfortable with one another close supervision will not be necessary. It sounds like your 2 cats will do well transitioning. You and your boyfriend will have to be patient, because in most instances the chemistry you and him feel will not be immediately reflected in the cats. Give it time, they will all come to tolerate if not love each other. Good luck, and let me know how things turn out. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.