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My Cant Cant Have Wet Meat


Iv had my cat for over 2 years and everytime without fail if she has wet meat she gets diarrhea, and even when its dry cat food sometimes, do you know what is wrong with her and what i should do? thanks

Hi Tanith.  Cats are sensitive to food changes, so any variation in diet can cause diarrhea.  If you want to start adding wet food in on a regular basis, try to add a very small amount in each day, gradually adding in more each day until you have reached the desired amount.  I would start out giving her no more than a teaspoon twice a day.  Remember that feeding different brands of cat food can cause stomach upset as well, so you should either choose one brand of food, or mix a few different brands of dry food together so that if you can't get one of her regular brands, her stomach won't be upset when she has to be fed another.

But there are some causes of intermittent stomach upset, such as parasitic worms or gastrointestinal infections.  The best idea is to have a vet look at her and prescribe an appropriate treatment.  Dewormers are available by prescription and usually over-the-counter, and it would be a good idea to treat her for worms, since most cats are infected with one type or another.  Be sure to cover your bases - the medications that treat roundworms don't usually treat tapeworms.  However, there are infections of the intestinal tract that won't be helped by dewormers that must be treated with prescription antibiotics, and that's when seeing your vet will be most important.

Good luck!
