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My cat has lost weight.


I have a cat which is a little over a year old, he began losing weight about 3 months ago but was eating normally - i gave him a worming tablet and after a week or so he stopped losing weight but he hasn't put the weight back on since and i'm worried it's something more serious. Other than the weight loss he seems to be absolutely fine!! Please help.


Did you give him an over the counter worm medicine or one from the vet? The over the counter worm medicine is not very effective because the worms have developed an immunity to it. It is best to get a wormer from the vet as they have the latest medicine.

Have a stool sample evaluated by your veterinarian to make sure he didn't eat a bug or rodent carrying roundworms, whipworms, coccidia or other parasite. There are other parasites besides just worms that your cat may have.

Have you had your cat's teeth checked?

Hormones such as testosterone and thyroid hormone affect a cats appetitie, weight and activity level. Consider a blood panel and a visit by your veterinarian to help you in this area.

It could be any of those things, or nothing. But only a vet exam and lab work can tell you for sure.
