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cat biting and cat eye


I rescued a baby cat i found on the road it had bad eye infections could not see and was dying.. I since took her in.. we had to get one eye removed but the other we have treated for a month and still it has a cloudy white scar tissue wish I could clear it up but don't know how.. poor thing that eye is the only one she has .. anyways she is now biting me playfully but it still hurts I was sleeping and she bit me on the cheek ... how can I stop her from bitting and do you know anyone who could help with that eye ?

Hi Nicole,

Congratulations on taking on this little kitten - you have undoubtedly saved her life.  The best person to help with her eye is your vet.  I'm not a vet so can't comment on what is wrong with her eye, but as you rightly say, she only has one eye left so you need to take her to a vet quickly so that they can attempt to save the other eye.  Any eye problem in a cat can develop into something nasty that may result in blindness or loss of the eye, so please get this checked out.

As far as the biting goes, if it is aggressive, it may be because she is in pain because of the infection.  If she is biting playfully, it is probably because she has left her mother too early.  Kittens bite when playing with their mother and siblings and learn from their reactions that biting is not an acceptable way of playing, but those who leave their mums too soon will not learn not to bite, and will bite their poor owners!  The best thing to do is to firmly put the kitten onto the floor when she bites you, so that she knows you are not tolerating it.  Never shout at her or smack her, however much the bite hurts!  You also need to redirect the playful biting by introducing her to toys.  Cats react best to interactive play, so buy something like a toy on a wand or string, and play with her.  You will soon find that she redirects her playful biting to her toys, and will stop biting you.

Good luck with all of this.

Take care