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limping kitty

20 16:45:54

I have a short haired black and white cat about a year old.  She's always been a very active cat until recently she started limping alittle and holding her right paw up when she's sitting. She's about to drive me nuts cause she's been "crying" so much. Please if you know anything about this please email back, i'm worried about my baby.

Dear Jenny,
Sounds like your kitty has injured her paw somehow.  Perhaps someone accidentally stepped on her or she landed wrong from a jump.  Or perhaps she has something suck in her paw.  Have you had a chance to inspect her paw?  Either way, her crying is probably indicative of some pain she may be suffering as a result.  If you cannot find an obvious cause,  you should schedule an appointment with her vet as soon as is possible to have it checked.  Strains, fractures or breaks should be determined and treated by her doctor.  
Hope this is helpful.
Thank you for your inquiry,