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crusty eyed kitten


I have a 5 month old deaf kitten name Jinx. We just got his first shots and he was also neutered. That was two weeks ago, now ive had Jinx sonce he was 8 weeks old  and hes had a persistant crust in the corner of his baby blue eye (jinx is and all white odd eyed kitty )he doesnt seem to have a problem with his orange eye. I just took him to the vet wouldnt they have said any thing to me about it being an infection. Do I take my Jinxy back to vet? Hes my lap kitty hes so affectionate. Although him and my spayed calico cat Emma (shes 2 years old ) have a love hate relationship. Jinx doent know when play time with Emma is over hense he cant hear the hissing thats also has been a problem. But I love both my babies and will take any suggestions you have Thank you -Candy


I would suggest that you take Jinx back to the vet immediately, crusty eyes are not a good thing. They can indicate infections and congenital defects such as lashes growing into his eye instead of away from it. Helping your cats be peaceful at play time will mean that you supervise and help Jinx to understand the visual cues (I'm assuming from your email that he's deaf). If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me again. Good luck with Jinx and Emma!