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Overly Defensive Feline


Hello Ali, I got a kitten that was about 8 weeks old about 2 years ago.  She is a half siamese cat, at least I belive that she is, I am unsure.  Her name is Cookie and she was spayed when she was about 10 weeks.  When I got her I was hoping to get a cat that enjoys cuddling and such but she doesnt seem to ever want to spend time with anyone, especially me.  When ever she is picked up for any reason throughout the day she will meow loudly, and she has been like this ever since she was a kitten.  She will often howl loudly at night when she cant get into a door which often wakes me up at 4-o-clock in the morning.  I cut a hole for a cat door in my bedroom door, but mine isnt the only one she howls at.  Recently we were playing and she got really aggresive out of no where and latched on to my face and bite a gouge in my lip and chin.  I love Cookie dearly but I am aggrivated on how hard it is to spend time with her.  She will not attack people if she is left alone, but as soon as someone pets her she will try to bite them or meow loudly at them, not as if she is in pain, but as to say to leave her alone. I can not get another cat for her to play with because our land lord will not allow us another one.  Is there nothing I can do to train her to be more friendly and cuddly?  Please assist me if you can, Its getting depressing that I can't spend any time with my cat.


I would suggest that you address these serious aggression issues with your vet just to be sure that there is no medical reason for this behavior. If the vet clears your kitten after blood and urine tests and a routine physical ask for a referral to a behaviorist. This is a very serious case that should be dealt with by professionals. I wish that i could offer more help, but as your kitten is severely aggressive I am more comfortable with professional help. If you have any further issues please feel free to contact me again. Good luck and keep me posted with what happens.