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My cat is pregnant and i can feel the kittens kicking
this just started 3 days ago. how long till she has kittens?

This could be anyone's guess since you (I assume) aren't sure of when your cat was bred. The average gestation period is 63-68 days, and depending on the size of the mama cat (small boned, large boned) as well as the number of kittens, it could be that you will have a litter within the next few weeks (I know; suitably vague answer).

In the meantime, get a birthing box ready for your cat. Most cats prefer to give birth in an area where they feel safe and can keep the kittens warm - in other words, the middle of the living room will not do. If you have a cardboard box, that should suffice, and set it up so that the kittens cannot crawl out, but mama can jump  in and out easily. I used to use simple newspaper as bedding, just don't shred it, and replace it as it gets soiled. Set this in a corner and show it to the mama cat so she gets used to it.

You should also keep an eye on her as the days progress, as she may decide to have the kittens outside (if she goes outside), or under your bed. If you need to, set the birthing box, a small litterbox, and some dry food and water bowl in a spare room or bathroom whenever you are away.

Most times, cats can give birth quite easily without human interference, but you should keep an eye anyway, especially if this is her first litter, and to also make sure that she is nursing all the kittens.

Let me know how things go with the (future) new babies.