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2 cats - Problem with them not using litter box


I have one fixed male cat and one fixed female cat. Both are declawed and get along very well with each other. The male is going to be three this summer and the female will be one this spring. We have a leak in our basement and they both have their own litter box and have used it no problem until a couple months ago we had a leak in the basement which went around their boxes so my husband moved the boxes out of the water to a dry spot and the female started to poop and pee on our bed. So we moved it back to where it was and this stopped so we figured that she didn't like the change. Since the snow melting and all the rain we have had the same leak problem but we left them in the same spot and didn't move them this time to save her confusion. Both cats are now peeing on our bed or in our room and pooping on the floor in our bedroom. So we moved the boxes out of the wet and this still continues. What might be the problem with the cats. Normally they are really good and we don't have this problem until the last couple months. I would really appreciate any insight you might have to this problem.

Thank you

Hi  Jennifer, when a cat poops in your bed.. or even in your bedroom.. they are really trying to make a statement. It appears they are upset by the changes in the basement. Even if the boxes are in a dry area they may be upset by the water on the floor, the smell of the water, the smell of the wet basement.. any of these things.
Is it possible to put the litter boxes somewhere else completely?? A laundry room? bathroom??
Then I would keep the cats locked out of your bedroom for a couple of matter how much they complain... Leave one box in the basement in the wet area and put one box in the new area. Leave some wood or something on the floor in the basement so that they can get to the box without having to get wet feet. then keep showing them where box #2 is. Also put some poop into box #2 so they are really encouraged to use it.
Don't let them near your bedroom and see what happens... let me know... and we can always try for a plan B if this doesn't work.