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kitten vomit


Hello, I have a 9 month kitten that recentlty began vomitting mostly byle, she seems active still, no food coming up, and her appetite seems o.k. she is throwing up in the middle of the night. she is fed aliitle moist everyday and has dry food too. she has a sister same age and doesn't have the problem so i don't know if it is food related, any help you could provide would be great.  thank-you jean  

Hi Jean,
It may be a bit of a stomach virus. I would watch her close just to make sure. If she continues to vomit bile, then I would at least call your Vet.  He might be able to recommend something to soothe her stomach.  I really don't think its serious, but watch her to make sure it doesn't get worse.  Cottage cheese is good to give for an upset stomach, so you may want to try that.
I don't think it has anything to do with the food she is eating.
If it gets worse, call your Vet, otherwise just keep an eye on her and try the cottge cheese!  They not only love the taste, it's good for them!
Also, here's a little advice, give them a little butter every week.  Just put a dab on their paws and they will lick it off. It will help hairballs pass without blocking the intestines up.

God Bless,