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My cat is losing hair


Hi I just wanted to ask a quick question. My cat is only about a year old and they used to be outside cats but we took them in. He is losing hair around his neck and on his head. I would like to know what could be causing this to happen. We haven't found any fleas any where on the cats or around the house. Please let me know what you think it could be. Thank you very much.  

cat hair loss can be caused by several things from fleas or parasites such as ear mites etc. It could be caused by allergies, some flea collars do this to some cats. but it can also be caused by over grooming which is caused by anxiety, which could be the case here if they are unhappy about being kept in all the time since they have tasted the outside world. you will be able to judge for yourself from my suggestions to possible causes.

Please see my page here about cat fur loss for more information



best wishes Kate