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Unusual Cat Behavior


My Main Coon is 5 years old. He is your typical well behaved, very easy going cat... but he's been missing suddenly 2-3 days at a time.... he's fixed, so he can't be chasing females, I would suppose. I had to lock him in the house this last time he's returned, and he desperately wants to leave, he's doesn't want me around him now, he's hissing, anxious, hiding, wants to fight the other cat we have, a 13 year old. I am afraid that he's gotten jeleous or I have been neglecting him, so...maybe he just wants food from me now, and then wants to leave to a neighbor's house where they pet him more.. don't know.....  he seems healthy... help!  Is it something I did?


I can't really offer an opinion about what's happening with this kitty without having a more complete picture of your relationship with him. I have a few questions that will help me to have a better understanding of what might be going on here.

- How long has this behavioral change been evident?

- Have you had any major life changes (moving, getting married, having a baby, a death in the family (human or animal), turbulence in your marriage, etc.) recently?

- Have you had the cat examined by a veterinarian to determine whether this behavior could have a medical cause (sometimes cats are so good at hiding illness or injury that we don't know they're unwell or hurt)?

- Is the cat eating, drinking and eliminating appropriately?

- Have you considered taking the time to follow your kitty (at a distance of course) to see where he's headed?

- Have you had a significant reduction in the time you're able to spend with this little guy (Maine Coons are very social animals and will seek out affection and attention elsewhere if they're not getting enough at home)?

- Are there any other obvious issues that you've noticed since this behavior has started?

Hopefully once I have a clearer understanding of the issues I'll be able to help you figure out how to get your relationship with this kitty back on track. Until then I look forward to hearing from you.