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red blister on his eye


My cats eye has been irritating him n was pussing a bit and got a lil grey at first I thought it was cataracts but now his eye is normal color but with a half dime sized red blister on his eye... (not his eye lid) its not on the inside corner but the botomish outside corner on his eyeball... and he's geting a little bit of blood crusties from tears... it doesn't look like cherry eye either.. Any idea of what it is??? I dnt have the money right now to take him to a vet.. What do you recomend? Also I think he has ear mites how do I get rid of them?
Any info is greatly appreciated thanx

Hi Crystal,

Sorry it took me so long to answer, I had no power. This is something that should be looked at by a vet. He could go blind from this. Try to make some payment arrangement with your vet. Most are pretty good at working things out. For the earmites, try using Frontline for cats. Besides killing fleas it will kill ear mites. DO NOT PUT IT IN THE CATS EARS! Apply it as you would for fleas.

Please get him to the vet for his eye. This is very important. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen